Awa Moctar Gueye

fescaaal_regista_Awa Moctar Gueye
Awa Gueye is a graduate of the University Gaston Berger in Saint Louis, Senegal. After a Bachelor’s degree followed by a Master’s degree in Arts and Culture, she became a scriptwriter and an independent director. She attended Fémis Summer University in Paris, FIDADOC Residency in Morocco and Rencontres Internationales du Cinéma du Réel in Senegal. She has made five films, including four school films combining documentary techniques and fiction techniques. Her films Le Chant des Corbeaux, Mo Mola La Borotti and Jaar Jaar received great remarks from the public at the Poitiers Film Festival, at the Festival Internacional de Cine Documental y Cortometraje de Bilbao (ZINEBI) and at the International Documentary Film Festival of Saint Louis. Today, Gueye is committed with UNESCO and the Nara Residence in Japan, to promote the position of women in African cinema.
2023 - Dusk, sf
2019 - Jaar jaar, sf
2019 - Mo mola la borotti, sf
2019 - Le chant des corbeaux, sf
2017 - Agnya, le sacrifice de l'enfant, sf
2015 - Derrière les ombres, sf


Awa Moctar Gueye | Senegal | 2023 | 15'