Emanuela Zuccalà

Emanuela Zuccalà is an Italian journalist, writer, and director. She has been awarded several international journalism prizes, including the Press Freedom Award by Reporters Sans Frontières. Her documentary movie Just to Let You Know that I’m Alive (2013, co-directed by Simona Ghizzoni) was awarded at various festivals, such as the Margaret Mead in New York City, the Annecy Cinéma Italien in France, and Aan Korb of the BBC in London (Arabic Film and Documentary Festival). In 2016 she produced Uncut, a multimedia project denouncing the practice of female genital mutilation, winner of 15 journalism and film awards, and in 2018 she dedicated herself to the issue of maternal mortality in sub-Saharan Africa, in its connections with gender inequality, with the web-documentary Crossing the River. In 2020 she directed The Bush School, about women’s secret societies in Liberia, awarded at several festivals including Dona i Cinema, Vues d’Afrique, and Barnes Film Festival. As a women’s rights activist and specialist on gender issues, she has held lectures and conferences at Cornell University in the USA, King’s College in London, Universidad de Alcalá in Madrid, the European Parliament, as well as at many Italian universities. Among her books, also translated abroad: Sopravvissuta ad Auschwitz. Liliana Segre, Witness of the Shoah (Paoline, 2005 and 2019), Women You Would Like to Know (Infinito, 2014), Kindred Creatures (with Simone Tosoni, Palgrave Macmillan, 2020), Women’s Wars (Infinito, 2021).
2024 - Faghan - Daughters of Afghanistan, sf
2020 - The Bush School, sf
2016 - Uncut, sf
2013 - Just to Let You Know That I'm Alive, sf (co-directed with Simona Ghizzoni)


Emanuela Zuccalà | Italy | 2024 | 23'