Phil Cox

Phil Cox is the co-director of indie film collective Native Voice Films since 1998 and has directed and shot over 30 films for TV and cinema. His recent cinematic features as director/writer are The Bengali Detective (Sundance Film Festival and Berlinale premiere in 2011), Love Hotel (Toronto International Film Festival premiere in 2014), and Betty They Say I’m Different (International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam premiere in 2017). He is the recipient of a British Grierson Award, a Rory Peck Award, and the Hinzpeter and Bayeux Calvados awards for his work in Sudan since 2004.
2025 - Khartoum, ff
2022 - The Spider-Man of Sudan, sf
2020 - The Cleaner, ff
2017 - Betty - They Say I'm Different, ff
2014 - Love Hotel, ff
2011 - The Bengali Detective, ff


Anas Saeed, Rawia Alhag, Ibrahim Snoopy, Timeea Ahmed, Phil Cox | UK, Sudan, Germany, Qatar | 2025 | 80'