Opening ceremony + Mali Twist

An opportunity to say hello and learn more about the Festival's programme with our artistic directors Annamaria Gallone e Alessandra Speciale

29 Apr 2022

The opening of the 31st African, Asian and Latin American Film Festival – FESCAAAL. An opportunity to say hello and learn more about the Festival’s programme consisting in 10 days of screenings, Q&As and special events dedicated to the cultures of the 3 continents, together with Associazione COE’s president André Siani and our co-artistic directors Annamaria Gallone and Alessandra Speciale.

David Bester will be our special guest: a South African violinist and Head of Strings at Nelson Mandela University, who will perform for us some traditional South African songs on his violin.

The opening will be followed by a screening of Mali Twist.



Robert Guédiguian | France | 2021 | 124'



25 Mar 2023 - 8:30 PM
The award ceremony of the 32th edition of FESCAAAL. Afterwards, the closing film from the Flash Section
19 Mar 2023 - 6:00 PM
Inauguration and opening film from the Flash Section
With director Erige Sehiri and the curator of the film program of Fondazione Prada, Paolo Moretti.
The round table in collaboration with Fondazione Edu about environment and ecology in Africa, within the 32nd FESCAAAL