Little Zebra​ Award

Student Jury

MiWY promoted the formation of three juries: two special juries, the Student Jury and the Teacher Jury, and the Audience Jury who assign the official prizes for each edition. The experience of the jury allows both students and teachers to come into close contact with the films of the Festival and to create opportunities for exchange, debate and discovery of new cultures with active participation.

The Student Jury, for the first time set up at regional level, is made up of 78 students from various secondary schools in Milan, Lecco, Lodi, Biella and Forlì and awards the LITTLE ZEBRA Prize to the best short film with an intercultural theme.

In a training course of twelve stages, and with the guidance of competent educators, the students of the Jury experience the difference between a naive vision and a more attentive one, because they view the films twice before deciding the winner and refine their judgments based on the collective comparison, asking several questions on the criteria for a verdict shared by all.

Members of the Student Jury

Milano Badawy Youssef, Benameur Ismahane, Benchbiba Khadija, Camussi Pietro, Corbascio Andrea, Grecchi Lorenzo, Hanna Sherry, Kazi Shaila, Mahayalage Chiara, Miceli Martina, Nguemkam Pouna Martine, Leticia, Oprea Andreea, Raki Fatima, Sanarico Lorenzo, Terranova Alice, Vilema Jennifer

Lecco Alcaz Victoria, Arosio Clara, Binyam Elise Mallone, Ciresa Clelia, De Capitani Sara, Dell’Oro Valeria, Dozio Serena, Gomes De Silva Lais Vitoria, Longhi Nicole, Manzoni Giorgia, Mariani Erica, Melesi Giulia, Moneta Marta, Nesci Martina, Orrù Alice, Ourahmoun Noha, Panzeri Anna, Pozzi Martina, Primo Martina, Salvadori Chiara, Santo Annalisa, Troka Antonella, Viganò Amelia

Lodi Amatruda Vanessa, Checa Armijos Gabriela, Fossati Sofia, Ganzaroli Francesca Vittoria, Mascheroni Chiara, Mazza Lucrezia, Mazzucchi, Nazzari Claudia, Soresini Elisa, Bislenghi Margherita

Biella Biancofiore Angela, Braga Cristian, Chiaverina Beatrice, Conti Martina, Di Franco Jessica, Guelpa Carola, Leone Cristina, Mattiuz Vittoria, Palo Cristina, Pillepich Margherita, Pozzoli Leonardo, Purinani Gaia, Rivoli Carola, Taverna Norma, Zambon Asia, Zilio Martina

Forlì Agpoon Christoperson, Amadori Erica, Battistini Pietro, Collini Jada, Fioroni Filippo, Gozzoli Giulia, Haraga Andra Melissa, Lascala Luca, Liverini Viola, Lombini Giulia, Maiolini Giorgia, Matteucci Matilde, Miti Nicolò, Nozzoli Mirco, Ranieri Anna Gaia

Big Zebra​ Award

Teacher Jury

The Teacher Jury, with 21 teachers from different schools in Milan who will assign the ISMU BIG ZEBRA Award to the best feature film with pedagogical and intercultural value.

The activities of the Teaching Jury are carried out in collaboration with the ISMU Foundation, project partner.

Members of the Teacher Jury

Agazzi Natascia, Amendola Francesca, Arena Erica, Brega Franco, Castagnidoli Tullia, Cerasi Luciana, Dalla Nora Francesca, De Gregori Chiara, Delucchi Fabio, Dell’Olio Claudia, Ermano Paolo, Frisoli Giovanna, Guarneri Virginia, Lorenzo Lucia, Luisa Monica, Macca Daniela, Mantegazza Fabio, Pietrosanti Laura, Santini Marina, Succi Laura, Tarantino Mariangela. ISMU Partners: Clementi Mara e Lessana Gabriella

Audience MiWY Award

Audience Jury

The Audience Jury is composed of all the students attending the scheduled screenings who will vote for their favourite feature film and short film, which will win the MiWY Audience Award for the Best Feature Film and the Best Short Film in competition respectively.

Official prizes

Little Zebra – Student Jury Award

The prize, which consistsin the acquisition of the cinematographic rights for the educational and non-theatrical distribution of the film in Italy,is awarded to the best short film for intercultural dialogue by a jury of 78 students from various secondary schools in Milan, Lecco, Lodi, Biella and Forlì who took part in a training course and watched the 8 short films in competition. The film will be included in the COEmedia Cinema Distribution Catalog, the catalog with films available for rental and for educational courses consisting of films presented at the African, Asian and Latin American Film Festival, managed by the COE Foundation.

Big Zebra – Teacher Jury ISMU Award

The prize, which consistsin the acquisition of the cinematographic rights for the educational and non-theatrical distribution of the film in Italy,is awarded to the best feature film with a pedagogical and intercultural value by a Teachers’ Jury composed of 21 teachers from various schools in Milan who participate in a training course together with the Mentor Teachers and view the 4 feature films in competition. The film will be included in the COEmedia Cinema Distribution Catalog, the catalog with films available for rental and for educational courses consisting of films presented at the African, Asian and Latin American Film Festival, managed by the COE Foundation.

Audience MiWY Award for the Best Feature Film and for the Best Short Film

Students and teachers attending the online screenings will also vote to assign a Prize for the Best Feature Film of € 1,000 value and a Prize for the Best Short Film of € 500 value, expressing a preference at the end of each screening.

Voting will be carried out anonymously, allowing all pupils to vote, whether they are in the classroom or connected to the projector from home.